Pronunciation assessment for 40 languages in 40 seconds. is an app and API to improve your fluency in 40 languages instantly using artificial intelligence.

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Earn badges for your English reading Earn badges for your English reading

Intercultural communication

Intercultural  communication  is  the  study  and  practice  of  communication  across  different  cultures  and  social  groups  Intercultural  communication  skills  go  beyond  language  skills  Knowledge  of  the  history  and  an  understanding  of  conventions  are  among  those  skills  Intercultural  communication  aims  at  achieving  different  goals  for  instance  transferring  knowledge  across  cultures  In  a  globalized  world  it  is  a  key  discipline  for  sharing  information  and  views 

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Your transcript:

Intercultural communication is the study and practice of communication across different cultures and social groups Intercultural communication skills. Go beyond language skills, knowledge of the history and an understanding of conventions among those skilled Intercultural communication aims at the achievings different codes. For instance, transferring knowledge, across countries in a globalized world. It is the discipline for sharing information and view.

AI reading:

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge 73
English speaking result silver badge 56
English speaking result bronze badge Not claimed yet

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