Posts by Moderator1 (3251)

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Communication design

Many designers define communication design as a problem-solving process. The problem, or opportunity, is how to deliver information effectively to the desired audience. Different models describe the process that takes the designer from the initial stages of identifying a communication problem to the final stage of solving it. This process typically has four steps: define, research, develop concepts, and implement solutions.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge80
English speaking result silver badge80
English speaking result bronze badge80

Costal Dynamics

Humans have extensively used the coastal zone for fishing, tourism, transport of goods, water treatment, and housing. Agriculture has benefited from the exceptionally fertile grounds due to marine deposits. Approximately three billion people, half the world’s population, live and work within a couple of hundred kilometers of a coastline, notwithstanding the vulnerability of coastal areas to flooding.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge79
English speaking result silver badge78
English speaking result bronze badge77

What are goups?

Formal groups usually organize and distribute work, coordinate activities, increase commitment, resolve conflicts, and conduct inquests. Estimates suggest most managers spend half of their working day in groups. Informal groups are usually structured more around the social needs of people than around the performance of tasks. Informal groups typically serve to satisfy the needs of affiliation and act as a forum to gain support.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge77
English speaking result silver badge76
English speaking result bronze badge75

Future energy production

The possibilities for future energy production include fossil fuels, biofuels, solar, wind, hydro-energy, geothermal, and nuclear. Each of these sources has relative advantages and disadvantages. The problem is to produce enough sustainable energy while avoiding unacceptable environmental consequences, especially climate change. Informed choices will help prevent waste, avoid unnecessary disruptions in our lives, and avoid undesirable ecological effects.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge78
English speaking result silver badge78
English speaking result bronze badge78

The beginning of farming

At the end of the last ice age, the earth’s average temperature increased and glaciers moved rapidly northward. Additionally, rainfall progressively decreased in Southwest Asia and Africa. Under the changed circumstances, humans were unable to sustain themselves throughout the year by hunting and foraging. The human groups, living on different continents, were forced to produce their own food, and farming began within a short span of time all around the globe.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge80
English speaking result silver badge79
English speaking result bronze badge79
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