Posts by Moderator1 (3251)

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Foreign words used in English

English was originally brought to what is now called Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers from northwest Germany, West Denmark, and the Netherlands. The language that we nowadays call English has been changed almost out of recognition by the passing of time, and even more influentially, the impact of other languages. It is estimated that words borrowed from other languages make up more than three-quarters of the English language.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge82
English speaking result silver badge81
English speaking result bronze badge81

The Turing test

In June 2014 a ‘super-smart computer’ convinced human judges that it was a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy. It was said to be the first artificial intelligence to pass the Turing test, which determines if a computer can deceive a human into believing they are interacting with another human. However, many scientists accused Eugene’s makers of cheating the system by making him a young teenager and a non-native speaker of English.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge81
English speaking result silver badge80
English speaking result bronze badge76

The hyperloop

The hyperloop is a new system of super speed ground-level transportation. The concept is described as a vacuum or low air pressure tube which would allow a hovering pod to travel at speeds as high as 1200 kilometers per hour. Low friction is key to these speeds as well as being energy efficient compared to regular high speed trains. Supporters claim travel times could be shorter, compared to planes, for distances of up to 1500 kilometers.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge78
English speaking result silver badge77
English speaking result bronze badge76

What is art?

Art is often described as expression or application of human creativity and as a vehicle of communicating ideas and emotions. Art categories include literature, decorative arts, performing arts, music, and architecture. However, labelling and categorizing arts will almost certainly result in being reductive since art is being continually re-defined as new movements develop.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge79
English speaking result silver badge77
English speaking result bronze badge77

Touchdown on Mars

China is the third country after the United States and the former Soviet Union that successfully landed a spacecraft on Mars. The six-wheeled robot was targeting a terrain in the planet's northern hemisphere. The vehicle used a combination of a protective capsule, a parachute and a rocket platform to make the descent. Images submitted by the robot show a totally different landscape on the northern side of the Utopia Basin. The terrain looks flatter and has mostly fine-grained sediment.

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Voice: English (US) - female voice

Current badge scores for this post:
English speaking result gold badge81
English speaking result silver badge79
English speaking result bronze badge77
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